Brooklyn On The Mend

on Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's been nearly 4 weeks since Brooklyn's bicycle accident, and I'm happy to announce that she is healing very nicely and that she's 'gotten back on that horse' several times since then. Below are pictures of progress. Thank you to all who prayed for her quick recovery. It truly helped!

Exorcism That Didn't Take

I had gone more than 9 days with 1 fewer demon than I had known for the past 24 years. Evidently, demon vacation days accrue at a rate of .001 (do the math – it works), because on Monday night the ghost of Jack Clark, which had just stopped haunting my dreams 9 days earlier, was replaced by the harrowing gap between the front teeth of Jimmy Rollins.

The difference, this time, is that I only cried on the inside. The difference, this time, is that something broke inside me. The difference, this time, is that my eternal optimism took a hit from which I don’t believe it will ever recover.

I’ve taken that first step towards the Dark Side of the Force, you know where hatred and anger consume you to the point where no number of victories and thrilling moments can offset a loss as devastating as last night. My father crossed that line long ago, but like Luke Skywalker I always envisioned myself cutting off my dad’s hand and then converting him back to the Good Guys’ side. Instead, and sadly, the Emperor’s mission is complete.