Brooklyn Takes a Tumble

on Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just this Friday (9/25) Brooklyn suffered a bicycle accident. She had graduated from training wheels at the beginning of the month (while I was in India!), and is becoming more confident on two wheels with each passing day ever since. However, she got going pretty fast down the slope from where we live and momentarily forgot how to control her brakes. I wasn't there to witness the accident (thank goodness!) but Rachelle says when she got to the bottom of the incline she was going too fast to make the turn and ended up tumbling over her bike and flipping 2-3 times before skidding on the left side of her face to a stop on the asphalt. Blood curdling screams ensued, and Brooklyn quickly learned her foot was obstructed by her bike so that she couldn't get up. Rachelle raced to her, picked her up, and took her home to attend to her wounds.

She's handled the whole experience relatively well. She's been very subdued, though, which is just not right coming from Brooklyn. She opted not to play in her soccer game yesterday not because she was worried about getting injured further, but because she was concerned that people would stare and that kids would make fun of her. She did not want to go to church this morning, but we negotiated a deal whereby she could wear a hoodie sweatshirt over her dress so that if she wanted to wear the hood that was okay.

It is SO difficult to watch your child in that kind of pain. Both Rachelle and I wish that we could bear it for her. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that her skin will heal quickly and properly.


Danielle said...

Poor,poor Brooklyn! We will definitely keep her in our prayers! Tell her we love her!!

Mark n' Stacey said...

You owe it to poor, sweet Brooklyn to document this in the Family Newsletter! SEND ME AN ENTRY!

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