Wait...I can explain!

on Thursday, June 4, 2009

I've caved. I've created a blog. It's not something of which I am proud, but I'm willing to keep an open mind and give it a shot. My hope is that by going through the motion of actually creating the blog that this will somehow jump start my desire to journalize my life and that of my family more consistently and in better detail than I have in recent past. Truth be told (you can chalk up anything I've written prior to 'truth be told' as suspect), witnessing how much utility my sister Mandi gets out of maintaining her family's blog has inspired this bold move. I suppose it's only fair, since just recently Mandi caved and joined the Facebook craze after holding off valiantly for several months. So, we'll see how things go.


The State of Our Family said...

So happy I can hardly stand it! :)

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